Δεν είμαι φαν του Λιακόπουλου, αλλά μου αρέσει η περιγραφή του!!
Αν και κάνει ένα λαθάκι... δεν ήταν ο Ξέρξης που γύρισε στον Μαρδόνιο και του είπε "Παπαί, Μαρδόνιε, κοίους επί άνδρας ήγαγες μαχησομένους ημέας, οι ου περί χρημάτων τον αγώνα ποιεύονται, αλλά περί αρετής" (Δηλαδή: "Αλίμονο, Μαρδόνιε, με ποιους άνδρες μας έφερες να πολεμήσουμε, που δεν κάνουν τους αγώνες τους για χρήματα, παρά για την αρετή") αλλά ο στρατηγός Τριτανταίχμης (ή κατά άλλους Τιγράνης-γιός του Αρτάβανου) όταν έμαθε από κάποιους Έλληνες λιποτάκτες για τους Ολυμπιακούς αγώνες και το κλαδί ελιάς με το οποίο στεφάνωναν τους νικητές.
Just a minor historical note for english speakers: a famous quote about the virtue of the Greeks which was attributed to Persian General Tritantechmes (or Tigranis, son of Artavanus) has been recorded by Herodotus. It is said that following the Naval Battle of Artemisium (which took place at the same time as the Battle of Thermopylae) the Persians were amazed when they were informed by some Greek defectors about the Olympic games, the importance they had for all Greeks, and the fact that the only award of the winner was an olive branch!! At this point General Tritantechmes turned to Mardonie (the mastermind of the invasion of Greece) and said:
"My God! Mardonie, what kind of people did you bring us to fight against? They do not compete for money but for glory and virtue!"
I don't speak Greek so is there an English version of this?
Maybe you can upload you on a video, transcribing it on YouTube?
Hi Lindsay!!
I am afraid this video is not available in English, the guy talking is a kind of famous TV persona in Greece, his name is Dimosthenes Liakopoulos, he is a professor of Physics, Historian Scholar (kind of alternative history), writer of controversial books about world conspiracies, and book publisher.
He has tons of theories, others far too extreme, others more or less acceptable.
On this video the descrides a couple of incidents about the battle of Thermopylae, giving some information about the Spartans and the Persian (information I am sure you already know). I like the fact that he is very excited while talking and he pulling a couple of good jokes, like when he shows the Persians warriors he's calling them "the men in bathrobes" ha ha!!
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